Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Weekly Update 4/30/14

It's been a week since I told you all about my obsession with FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon). I've purchased more supplies and product. We've rearranged our house so I have a work area (formally known as the dining room) I've shipped out six boxes and now I sit and wait. Nothing has been received by Amazon yet. I wasn't prepared for the long wait from the time you drop off your boxes at UPS and I'm not the most patient person in the world.

The second set of boxes were much easier to pack and ship. I had more of my supplies (boxes, bubble wrap etc.) and had researched the hell out of everything so many times that I actually felt comfortable doing it.  I'm kind of embarrassed about my first shipment now and hope they don't reject some of my stuff . Live and learn.

I got a call today from someone at Amazon congratulating me (Ebay never did anything like that, that's for sure!)

I've set some goals for myself and allotted time each week to shop/pack and ship. I'm trying for approx 30 items every week. Amazon pays every 14 days. My first "pay" period will be on the 9th. I don't expect to break even or anything by then but I am excited to see some sales.

I've spent approx $550 so far in supplies/product/apps/.
My most exciting purchase was a yoga thing that I purchased for $18.97, when I went to check it out on profit bandit it showed sales from $89-130!   I bought two..I'll see how quickly they sell and then maybe run around and see if I can find more all over the county!

Happy Hump Day Y'all! What are you doing to make today fabulous?


Kim Herbel said...

Lovin' FBA right now!! OMG, so much fun. I'd love a link to check out your store!